When’s OUR eclipse?

The clinic is now open, and I co-produced a pop banger with AI and a spammer.

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Hiya 👋 Mark here with a monthly roundup of stuff I’ve made, found, and think you’ll like.

My podcast clinic is open! If there’s something holding you back or blocking your path, I guarantee we’ll clear it in under 60 minutes or you’ll get your money back. Yep. I’m that guy now.

How can we strengthen relationships with existing listeners, rather than chasing new ones? That’s the topic of my next free online workshop, which is on the 30th May. I hope you can join me.

Also, I hosted a session on podcasting + email for the Better Bolder Braver community. If you’re a coach or a people-helper, you should join.

It’s beginning to take shape: If you’re curious as to what happened to Morning Creative, this is the latest. It’s going to be a fortnightly show covering a creative topic, question, or provocation. Might even do the occasional interview.

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I had way too much fun making a video from a spam comment. I used Suno.ai to generate a female-led power pop track using some spam that got caught in the Akismet net. And did this thing churn out a banger or what!?

The Unlocking Happiness Online Summit is a free collection of 20-minute video discussions hosted by the sparkling Anya Pearse, about how we can attain and retain more peace and happiness in our lives.

The Dropout on Disney+ is a good watch. If the word Theranos or the name Elizabeth Holmes rings a bell, you’ll want to give this a go. It’s not as much fun as WeCrashed, but I’m two episodes in and enjoying it. Plus, bonus Stephen Fry.

Digital Camera World post header

People used to choose a mic for quality – now they just copy rich podcasters! Not my headline, but my words – and my face – on Digital Camera World. This is a short and snarky piece about the mic you should buy when you feel the urge to get the one Steven Bartlett has. (Incidentally “short and snarky” was my OKCupid handle for many years.)

I’ve been posting daily(ish) “tiny podcast tips” to LinkedIn and Instagram. Drop me a follow and you’ll see more! (They’re quite good, actually.)

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Top 5 Korean TV romcoms: My friend and co-conspirator, the sparkling Anya Pearse™, joined me on List Envy to build a top-five list close to her heart.

Stupid Mistakes, Happy Accidents & Surprising Insights From Making & Marketing Our First 20 Episodes: The Podcast Marketing Trends Explained podcast (a mouthful I know) has proven, in a short time, to be my favourite show on podcast marketing. It helps that it’s hosted by my favourite podcast marketing expert and the co-founder of my preferred hosting company, but what I come back for is the sage advice and the weekly roasts. 🔥

And that, my friend, is that. Enjoy your weekend and we’ll chat again next month. Do come along to the workshop on the evening of the 30th May, as I reckon it’ll be a useful one.

And to answer the question posed in my subject line, the 23rd September 2090 is when we’ll get to see a total eclipse in the UK. So, set a reminder for your great-grandchildren!

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