Wouldn’t you be better off getting a real job?

A couple of weeks ago, a family member asked about my plans for the year. At that moment, I should have confidently shared my goal of becoming a full-time creativity coach. Instead, my response was unclear and wishy-washy. I mentioned something about a daily podcast and helping people get paid for their work. The uncertainty in my words was palpable.

Their next question was, “So, are you looking for a job?” I was taken aback and replied as if I had just bitten into a lemon. The problem was that I focused too much on the “how” of what I was doing, rather than the “what.” What I am doing is something big, bold, and different. It is filled with uncertainty, which we will discuss further today.

I should have focused on the “what.” I want to help people who regularly create content, especially for the internet, and who struggle with productivity, procrastination, or feeling stuck in their creative journey. I want to be there for those who have hit a plateau and find themselves slogging through their work. My goal is to swoop in, like a paramilitary force, and assist them.

Now, the “how” I plan to achieve this may not make sense to those unfamiliar with the intricacies of digital marketing. For me, it involves researching and sharing valuable ideas, building my audience through free toolkits and eBooks, and offering easy-to-understand products and services. I am investing in myself and my ability to help others.

When explaining this to someone who understands digital marketing, they won’t be puzzled. However, if you try to explain this to someone like your grandmother, they might respond with a polite but confused, “That’s nice, dear. But how will you make money?” The truth is, I don’t have a grandmother, but I understand the concern. Some of my ideas may seem cliché, but I have others close to me who share similar worries.

Being clear about your goals and plans can be helpful in these situations. You can explain your plan and what you’re doing. However, it’s important to remember that not everyone will fully understand or support your choices, especially if they involve risk. And let’s face it, pursuing a creative career does involve risk.

Your friends want you to be happy, your peers want you to be successful, and your family wants you to be safe. However, you may not be able to provide them with the certainty they seek. They may want to know that you have thought things through, and it’s important to communicate that you have. I always advise against jumping without a parachute.

So, what if you’ve already taken the leap? In that case, I suggest looking for a soft landing. And if you haven’t jumped yet, make sure you have a backup plan. Remember, it’s not just about belief or determination. Markets change, and you need to be prepared for unexpected circumstances.

In conversations with loved ones who prioritize your safety and crave certainty, remember that you are not responsible for how they feel. You are responsible for your actions and words, but not how others interpret them.

In all of this, it’s essential to ask yourself key questions. How will you make money? When will you know it’s working? What will you do if things don’t go as planned? What if the market suddenly changes? Who can help you achieve your goals? These questions will provide you with a sense of security and help you communicate your plans effectively.

Remember, you don’t have to know everything or have all the answers. It’s okay to have uncertainties about the future. But if you believe you’re on the right track, that’s what matters.

You cannot change people’s minds if they don’t understand your world. You can’t make them feel certain when the world itself is uncertain. It’s not your responsibility. But if you’ve checked your parachute and have a working backup, you’ve got this.

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