What are you an unreasonable snob about?

We all have things that we’re snobbish about, whether it’s the food from our favorite place, the sound of a specific pair of headphones, or even the paper we write on. What may seem like snobbishness to some is just having good taste to others. So how can we use our good taste to our advantage?

Have you ever been called a snob? It doesn’t have to be about social class, and I hope it isn’t because that’s not an area we want to focus on. But maybe you’ve strongly held your ground on something that others don’t understand. Maybe there’s a hill you’re willing to die on while others are indifferent. I find myself in that situation with cheap tech, like Amazon Fire sticks, bottom-of-the-line Android phones, inexpensive Bluetooth earbuds, or poorly made Windows laptops. It’s not that I think everyone should have expensive tech or loads of money to spend on it. I believe everyone should have loads of money, but that’s beside the point. It’s the products that pretend to be something they’re not that bother me. The knockoff, no-brand Bluetooth earbuds that flood Amazon with different names but the same product. It’s what tarnishes the reputation of tech. People think that Windows is how computers are supposed to work because they haven’t experienced the smoothness of a Mac ecosystem. It’s a frustrating experience that gives computers a bad name, and that’s what I’m snobbish about.

But for you, it could be the tools of your trade, the right paper, pens, or even coffee. So how can we express our thoughts without sounding preachy or elitist, especially when discussing things that may be pricier or harder to obtain?

Everyone tells us that we need to create more content to appease algorithms. There is some truth to that, especially when it comes to discovery platforms. If we want to grow our audience, we need to be on platforms that have algorithms promoting content in exchange for ad exposure. These platforms test our content with a small group of people to see if it engages them, and if it does, it reaches a larger audience. We can leverage this to our advantage by offering content in different formats that cater to different learning styles: visual, written, audio, and kinetic. By providing content that people can watch, read, listen to, and do, we can engage a broader audience.

Your taste can be a valuable resource for others to read, watch, and listen to. You can create gear lists, buyer’s guides, product reviews, or detailed product walkthroughs. Establish yourself as an authority in these areas by discussing why one product may be better than another in specific situations. You can approach it in different ways, whether it’s being confident and definitive in your recommendations or creating tier lists to rank products.

One common obstacle to creating content is imposter syndrome. We may doubt our knowledge or wonder if anyone cares about what we have to say. The great thing about taste is that it’s subjective, and you can’t be wrong about your own preferences. You can present your opinions without being defensive, explaining that it’s just your personal experience and the choices you’ve made based on your available resources and preferences.

There are various mediums you can explore for sharing your content. Medium is great for long-form written pieces with accompanying photos and affiliate links. Twitter threads work well for concise and well-considered discussions. LinkedIn card decks, like carousels, can showcase PDFs split into swipeable pages. Short-form videos are popular for ranking and comparing products, and you can get creative with virtual green screens or interactive displays.

So, give it a try. Make a list of things you’re snobbish about, the things you passionately believe in, and really hold the line on. Ideally, focus on things related to your work. Choose one item and consider the medium that best suits it. Jot down key traits and create “this, not that” statements to showcase your preferences. You can also use positioning grids to compare and rank different items. Be bold and definitive in your content, confidently sharing your opinions based on your own experiences and preferences.

Remember, your taste creates engagement. People may challenge your opinions, but you can politely explain why you believe you’re right. This will boost your credibility and authority. Others may not agree, but they will understand where you’re coming from.

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