The 5 people every creative needs on their team

Creative work can often be a solitary and isolating endeavour, especially when pursuing ambitious goals. While you may be the sole creative force behind your work, it doesn’t mean you have to go it alone. Think of yourself as being on a spaceship headed towards something exciting. Just like any spaceship, you need a crew to support and accompany you on your journey. Let’s start by identifying the key members of your team.

Security Officer

Every creative needs someone who has their back, someone fierce and purposeful. For this role, my friend Anna fits the bill. She challenges and pushes me, and I do the same to her. We engage in conversations that help us grow, and she won’t tolerate any nonsense. She is a true defender, ensuring that no one stands in my way and that I don’t hold myself back.

Ship’s doctor

A ship’s doctor provides care, warmth, and encouragement. My friend Anya, cohost of the A to Z of Happiness podcast, embodies these qualities. She not only possesses basic medical training but also understands how the mind works. Anya is a source of kindness and a safe haven. If you need a dose of kindness, check out her An Hour of Kindness project mentioned in the show notes.

Diplomatic Relations Officer

A diplomatic relations officer offers insight and serves as a space for reflection. My friend Brendan, cohost of the Convergence podcast, is perfect for this role. Always willing to learn and teach, Brendan doesn’t tolerate excuses. He’s both direct and kind, providing a valuable perspective and challenging me to see things differently.


A pilot is someone who inspires courage and vision, demanding the best from you. Lawrence, the co-founder of the Happy Startup School, is my “business dad.” While I sometimes push against his guidance, he remains unyielding in the best way possible. He pushes me to reach my full potential and keeps me accountable.


A hitchhiker is a provocateur, a source of chaos who challenges your ideas and pushes you to think differently. My friend Danny, my “worst friend” in the sense of being a moral compass, fulfills this role. He stops me from getting lost in my own thoughts and calls me out on any nonsense I may spout.

Now that you have your crew, it’s time to bring them together. Create a group chat, a WhatsApp group, or any other means of communication that works for you. This is where you can bounce ideas off each other, seek advice, and provide support. Remember, you’re the captain of this spaceship, but you don’t have to fight the battles alone. Your team is there to help you navigate and achieve your creative goals.

Building your creative team is essential for your journey. It’s not just about collaboration, but also about having a support system that challenges, cares, and guides you along the way. Start assembling your team and share this with them to provide context and encourage their involvement.

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