Mark is a fraud (for now)

I have no idea what I’m doing. I don’t know how to get from having clients as a freelancer to making a living exclusively from my own ideas. I believe it’s possible, but it may not necessarily mean making all your money from album sales if you’re a musician. There are many other ways our creativity can pay the bills.

I’ve had some experiences before, like building a podcast hosting service called Podiant, which I was able to sell. It wasn’t necessarily art, but it was a cohesive brand message that came from my idea and execution.

Another example is my brother, who challenged himself to run up a mountain with a 15-kilogram backpack. After training hard, he won the challenge and even helped his friends achieve the same goal.

Similarly, I’m training for a life without client work. I love my clients and the work I do with them, but I don’t want to be dependent on them. I believe this is a world worth exploring.

I haven’t reached my destination yet, but I’m learning and putting things into practice. I’m synthesizing knowledge, creating metaphors, and shifting mindsets to help us understand how we can rely less on clients.

The key is to start. You may have lofty ambitions, such as selling digital products, being financially free, or booking gigs. But you won’t get there unless you begin.

There may be doubts and obstacles along the way, but the more you train and learn, the better you become. Each cycle becomes more efficient as you gain experience.

I encourage you to start your journey and pursue your goals. It’s okay if you don’t have all the capabilities, confidence, commitment, or courage yet. The journey begins by taking the first step.

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