I don’t really wanna do the work today

Last night, I didn’t get enough sleep because I lost track of time playing Half-Life on the sofa. It reminded me of when I first played the game in 1998, during my last year of university. Around that time, I attempted running but found it difficult and gave up. A few years later, I tried again, but it didn’t go well either.

Fast forward to 2014, I decided to embark on a weight loss journey and started a Couch to 5K program. Initially, the program involved walking and running in intervals for about 30 minutes. One day, when I was supposed to walk after a 15-minute run, I pushed myself to keep running. Within a few days, I was able to run for a full 30 minutes without stopping.

By 2016, I was regularly running 5Ks in about half an hour. In 2020, despite the challenges and fluctuations in activity and weight, I completed a 5K run every day for 10 days.

The key to sustaining my running routine was establishing a habit mindset. I followed James Clear’s Atomic Habits principles: making things obvious, attractive, easy, and satisfying. For example, I linked drinking a glass of water to washing my hands, making it an obvious and easy task. I made walking more attractive by enjoying a cup of coffee during my walk. Preparing my breakfast ingredients in advance made it easy to have a healthy meal. Finally, I rewarded myself with a hot breakfast after braving the cold outside.

Having a routine helped me stay committed even when the novelty wore off or when I faced obstacles. It’s important to remember that commitment can waver, especially in creative projects. However, establishing a routine and making it a priority can help overcome those challenges. If you miss a day, be kind to yourself and start anew. This journey is not about perfection or being the best; it’s about continuous improvement and sustainability.

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