How to instantly feel better about your work and its impact

Felicia Day is one of the web’s first internet-grown superstars. She created a YouTube series back in the early 2000s about what it was like to be in a World of Warcraft guild. Since then, she has acted in various projects, written books, created audio books and fiction, and worked in film. She has also dealt with the challenges of gamer culture, which is often not a wholesome place. In her book, she writes about keeping a “hate folder” on her desktop, filled with all the vile and horrible things people have said about her. Today, I want to flip that idea and talk about compliments.

You need a place to collect all the good things people say about your work, no matter how small. This boosts your confidence, reminds you of your progress and growth, and helps you through the tough times. This month, as we focus on commitment, it’s important to reflect on the impact we have on others. It’s easy to feel like we’re speaking into the void when doing creative work, whether it’s for art’s sake or to support our business. That’s why it’s crucial to collect compliments and testimonials. They serve as social proof and show the impact we have on people.

You can store these compliments as testimonials on your website or in a folder on your desktop. It doesn’t matter how small the compliment is; it can still have a positive effect on your confidence. Take the time to gather everything nice that someone has said about your work, whether it’s from your current project, previous work, or client feedback. You’ll be surprised at how much it can boost your morale.

Don’t feel pressured to do anything with the list or folder right away. Just revisit it from time to time when you need a confidence boost. Over time, make it a habit to collect compliments as you receive them. You’ll see the accumulation of positive feedback, and it will be a great reminder of the impact you’re making.

However, if you notice the number of compliments slowing down, don’t take it as a sign that your work isn’t good. It likely means you’re not reaching new people. Use this as a reminder to find new audiences who appreciate your work and can provide fresh compliments.

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