Healthy tension vs unproductive effort

Today, I want to talk about the concept of healthy tension. A few days ago, I was trying to come up with a name for something related to our work here. Although I can’t remember the exact details, it felt important at the time. Naming things can be a challenge, but sometimes it just clicks. I once suggested a name for a show that already existed, and everyone loved it. I even have a friend who is considering hiring me to help name something. Sometimes, it’s best not to overthink it.

In my work, I’ve been focusing on recognizing moments of effort. When I say effort, I don’t just mean trying to make something good. I’m talking about the struggle and grind. There’s a difference between healthy effort and unproductive effort. Unproductive effort is like busy work, spinning your wheels without making progress. It’s important to be aware of when we’re engaging in unproductive effort and learn to let go.

It can be difficult to trust that the right answer or opportunity will come. We often feel the need to control everything, but sometimes it’s best to step back and see what unfolds. Surrendering to uncertainty can be challenging, especially if you’re used to fighting for recognition or success. But all we can do is present our best work and be in the driver’s seat, while also being open to the guidance of the universe.

On the other hand, there’s healthy tension that arises when we step out of our comfort zone. It’s important to differentiate between the two forms of tension. The comfort zone is where we feel safe, but there’s a part of us that resists venturing into the unknown. Surrendering to the uncertainty of the comfort zone requires a leap of faith. It’s about letting go of fear and embracing the possibility of something fantastic.

In summary, there’s a healthy tension that pushes us to grow and step out of our comfort zone. It’s important to recognize when our efforts become unproductive and learn to let go. Surrendering to uncertainty can lead to serenity and open up new possibilities. If you can realistically see a path to what you want, it’s worth surrendering to the fear and uncertainty.

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