Are you leading from the head or the heart?

Value means different things to different people. Some view it as what they can extract from a piece of work, while others prioritize spending time with the person behind the work. Understanding where you fall on this spectrum can help you define your unique position and identify what sets you apart. Welcome to Morning Creative.

Today, I’ll be discussing a method I teach called the “helpful podcast,” which focuses on providing useful value and building trust with the audience. However, I also want to acknowledge another approach by talking about two podcasts I listen to about podcasting: “Grow the Show” and “She Podcasts.”

“Grow the Show” follows the helpful podcast format, delivering value in a concise and straightforward manner. On the other hand, “She Podcasts” is more about the hosts themselves and their interests, sometimes within the realm of podcasting, but also branching out to other topics like makeup. While I enjoy both podcasts, they offer very different experiences.

Creativity comes in various forms and sizes. Today, I’m primarily discussing work that serves an explicit purpose, such as nonfiction writing, coding, app development, or design with a commercial aspect. Whether your work is commerce-driven or not, it’s essential to determine if you are leading from the heart or the head.

Here are some questions to help you determine where you stand on the spectrum:

  • Are you providing emotional support or comfort to your audience, or are you focusing on skilling people up?
  • Are you building a sense of community and connection, or is your goal to help people get ahead?
  • Do you prioritize wellbeing and happiness, or do you focus on providing practical outcomes?
  • Are you here to inspire and uplift your audience, or are you solely focused on delivering straightforward information?
  • Are you being entertaining or evoking emotions in your audience, or are you primarily focused on providing news and information?
  • Are you addressing emotional needs or solving practical problems for your audience?

Consider whether the value you provide stems from the emotional impact of your work or if people are solely interested in the tangible benefits. These questions can help you navigate your approach.

When it comes to building an audience and establishing trust, leading with value is crucial. Over time, as people spend more time with your work, a relationship can develop. It’s about finding the right balance between providing value and showcasing your personality.

Take some time to reflect on where you sit on this spectrum and how it aligns with the kind of work you do. Understanding your unique position will help you define yourself and your offerings more effectively.

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