Maximising your time as a busy podcast creator

Gregory Anne Cox joins Mark to discuss transcripts, YouTube, and ways to save time.

As a podcast creator, it can be difficult to balance all the different aspects of creating a successful show. Gregory Anne Cox, creator of the podcast Rebellious Wellness Over 50, reached out me with concerns about whether she was maximising her time effectively.

In this case study, we’ll explore the different steps of Greg’s podcast workflow and analyse how she can optimise her process to save time while still producing high-quality content.

Conceiving the episode idea

Greg uses podcast guest host applications to find guests for her show. She schedules an interview and does her research beforehand to learn as much as she can about either the guest or the podcast in question.

The recording session

All episodes are recorded on Zoom, with video unless the guest prefers not to show their face. Greg records a pre-interview intro, a clip of the intro, the episode, and a bumper to use as various types of transitions.


Once the recording is complete, Greg uploads the video and audio files to Descript, where she edits the audio and transcript. She then sends the transcript to her virtual assistant, who makes it look presentable. The audio editor adds the intro, bumper, and outro to the audio file and delivers a separate file for the video and a separate file for the audio, along with an MP3, WAV, and MP4 file.

Uploading to Captivate

Greg then uploads the audio file to Captivate and writes the show notes. Once the episode is live on Captivate, her VA creates a page on Greg’s website with all the relevant information, including a picture of the guest and transcript.

Maximising efficiency in the editing process

Greg’s audio editor currently edits the audio file in a separate audio editing app, which adds extra time to the workflow. Instead, Greg could collaborate with her audio editor in Descript and keep everything in one place. This would allow both parties to work on the project simultaneously and save time.

Getting the most out of Descript transcripts

Greg currently spends a lot of time cleaning up the transcript in Descript, which can be time-consuming. She could collaborate with her audio editor to replace timestamped episode sections with chapter markers.

Reducing the investment in YouTube

Greg currently uploads her video episodes to YouTube but wonders if it’s worth the effort. While YouTube is a big search engine, most podcast listeners don’t use it as their primary platform. Additionally, the algorithm that determines how popular a video might be is confused if full-length videos and highlight videos are on the same channel.

Greg could use an automated tool like Headliner to generate videos automatically based on her RSS feed.


Creating a successful podcast is hard work, but with the right workflow and tools, you can maximise your productivity and create high-quality content. By collaborating with your team and using automated tools, you can save time and focus on what matters most: creating great episodes for your listeners.

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