How to get strangers to buy your stuff (in reverse)

In 2011, there was an ad for an energy company in the UK, voiced by the talented Olivia Colman. However, during the ad, Olivia struggled to read a web address correctly. Instead of saying, she said edfenergy.combestdeal. This mistake was frustrating because a lot of time, effort, and money go into creating and running ad campaigns.

I wonder what happened when people tried to visit that incorrect web address. My guess is that they either had to spend more money on Google Ads or their browser redirected them to a Google search. Regardless, it was a costly and avoidable error. It’s important to pay attention to detail and ensure that every step in the process is accurate and error-free.

When creating something, whether it’s music, a book, or a painting, it’s crucial to focus on the details. Each step, like breadcrumbs leading to a destination, should be carefully crafted. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but it should be free of errors. Take the time to review and fix any mistakes along the way.

If you’re working on marketing, consider the details of your process. For example, if you have a newsletter to promote your work, think about how you can get people to sign up for it. Offering a lead magnet, like a free PDF or a recorded webinar, can entice people to join your mailing list. Don’t worry about reaching a massive audience all at once. Start by personally reaching out to potential subscribers and inviting them to join.

Remember, it’s about finding a rhythm and making each step the best it can be within your constraints. Take it slow, review, and fix any mistakes. By working backwards from the end goal and focusing on the details, you can create a successful and effective marketing strategy.

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