Why podcasting is a safer space than video

Showing up on video is vastly more exposing than doing so in audio alone, opening us up to feeling vulnerable. Here's why creating a podcast is a safer and more impactful way to spread your message.

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Podcode episodes are recorded in video format, edited, uploaded to YouTube and exported to our podcast host. That makes the process of generating content across different platforms much easier, especially given that many people consume podcast content via YouTube and it’s far better to have authentic video than a piece of static imagery or a wobbling waveform.

With podcast coaching being done primarily over Zoom, being able to put a face to the name from an early stage is useful, but with that comes a tonne of potential pitfalls.

Theatre of the mind

It’s easy for us to become distracted by the scene around us: the pictures on a person’s wall, the cat heaving into view, or the way the light changes when the sun moves across a window. But there are also personal insecurities that can be exposed on video that simply aren’t an option in audio: things about our appearance – or our own self-perception of our appearance – or our mannerisms. These can lead us to feel like video isn’t always a safe way to produce content. It can feel exposing in a way that is separate from imposter syndrome, which tends to focus more on our work and contributions than more personal aspects of our physical appearance or demeanour.

Audio doesn’t suffer from these problems to nearly the degree that video does. Not because we’re hiding our “face for radio” behind a mic and a pair of headphones, but because audio goes with us to places video doesn’t. Audio also protects us from looking nervous, uncomfortable, bored, tired, and helps the listener focus on what matters: the messages.

Zoom-fatigue fatigue

And If the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that we’ve done video to death. So many of us have opened our homes to the people we work with, people we buy from, potential job prospects, and complete strangers we’ll never see again. It’s quite possible we’ve had enough of video for a bit, and it might be nice just to hear a voice.

Hands up who likes the sound of their own voice

Of course, for most of us, the sound of our own voice heard back through a speaker is at best a little offputting. That’s because of the way our voice resonates within our skull, but the good news here is that this is a completely universal experience. Every single person’s voice sounds less resonant – and perhaps less authoritative as a result – than we hear. So that’s no reason to feel bashful about using your voice to convey a message that others need to hear.


Imperfections – mistakes, stumbles, miscommunications – can feel exposing, but a good thing to remember is that, especially with audio, you’re always able to make corrections and adjustments after the fact, either by appending something to an episode, or re-recording a section. You don’t have to match the lighting, your clothing or your camera setup; just pick up the mic, and as long as you’re in roughly the same conditions, you can stitch in your correction.

From blog to podcast

You have the potential to offer your content to more people, and give your existing subscribers an easier, more personal, and more impactful way to engage with your work. So if you’re ready to take one small step outside your comfort zone and bring your tribe along on a journey from ear to brain to heart, pick up a mic, take the words in your blog or newsletter and turn them into a podcast.

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