Travel Sexy men break stuff at Smash PDX Thrill to the chill sounds of Enya as you watch men break things.
Personal Walking my bit of the Cornish coastline Harlyn Bay in Cornwall is beautiful in the summer. There's a lovely couple of beaches, some good places to camp, and you can look up and see the stars. If you're lucky, like I was, you might even see some shooting stars. I've been
Django Blockstack Berlin 2018 I got to travel to Berlin, as part of the Blockstack conference: a thing all about the blockchain and decenralised apps. Basically a new Internet for paranoid nut-jobs. I can say that now, as I'm no longer involved in the project. It snowed this morning, and looked like
Django New York, 2017 I managed to blag a trip to New York, to meet the chaps I'd be working with over the coming months. It was my first time inside the Big Apple, and a good way to swap one winter for another. A long but mostly uneventful day. I didn’
Django Blind man bluffs it in Poland I got the opportunity to go to Warsaw for DjangoCon EU, 2013. Here's how I got on. I often joke about how I've jumped out of an aeroplane, but that I'm scared of public speaking, even though I was an am-dram kid. I know,