Tick podcast editing off your todo list

Your time is better spent having compelling conversations.

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You got into podcasting to build relationships, have interesting conversations, and share your expertise. You didn’t plan on spending your evenings battling with GarageBand or wondering when your editor is going to get back to you with the latest changes.

Hiya đź‘‹ I’m Mark

Although I’ve been editing audio since the turn of the century, what I offer is much more than cutting out umms.

I provide a full listen-through edit. which means you don’t have to send over timestamps for things you want removed.

I’ll also write show notes and come up with a catchy title for each episode, based on my formula for capturing attention from potential listeners.

Once it’s all ready and you’re happy with the finished product, I’ll upload it to your media host and handle the scheduling and distribution.

If you use a tool like Riverside or SquadCast and we have a regular agreement, you don’t even need to ping me when a new episode is ready.

All of this means one thing: you can spend more time having great conversations and making connections with your listeners, and less time doing admin or chasing virtual assistants.


Introducing IQ editing

This is what I call the style of editing I’ve cultivated over 16 years, that focuses on everyone sounding their smartest, while maintaining efficiency.

The aim is to make you and your guest sound like you’re in the same room – even when you’re miles apart – having a smart, free-flowing conversation where everyone sounds like themselves, but on a really good day.

What this typically includes

  • Reducing silence or loss of synchronicity caused by Internet lag
  • Removing cross-talk and smoothing over interruptions
  • Removing false starts, sentence fragments, and excessive thinking time
  • Finding the best start and end point for the conversation
  • Removing all the boring bits

IQ editing doesn’t alter the flow of the conversation or the order in which things happen. It also doesn’t involve making sweeping executive decisions about what should stay in the episode and what should be edited out (over and above common sense).

What you get with each episode

Every podcast is different, and there might be aspects you feel happier doing yourself. But here’s what I offer as standard.

  • A send-by-second audio or video edit
  • A clickworthy title
  • Show notes that open a loop in the listener's mind
  • Links to resources mentioned in the episode
  • Slots for ads to be dynamically inserted
  • Uploading to your media host

Everything in one place

Mockup of a laptop showing a Notion workspace

I manage everything in one place: A Notion workspace that forms a single source of truth for your podcast. Everything we need to know as a team is there, from the individual episodes we’re working on, to the dynamic ads you want to insert, to recordings and notes of the catch-up calls we have together.

Some people instinctively make good ideas better, they can't help but elevate; Mark is one of them. This is the kind of personality everyone needs on their side - especially in this industry because podcasting can be a lonely and relentless business.
—Lucy Clayton, Author and podcaster, Dress: Fancy
Mark allowed Shamash and I to basically play for the whole time and not worry about anything. Honestly if this is what work is meant to feel like, then we're on to a winner.
—Calvin Niles
Squadify is a totally virtual organisation with team members all over the world. We have never met Mark in person but he is an essential part of our squad. We hope you like the podcast. It would not exist without Mark!
—Dan Hammond, Co-founder & Chief Product Officer, Squadify
Each week I interview a new guest, and as the interviews are remote, we never know quite how they’ll sound, but Mark always provides a clean, crisp audio file that sounds great, and is ready for us to upload.
—Maria Franzoni, International speaker bureaux owner, MFL Global
I started my podcast in 2016, and Mark was with me from day one. All I have to do is upload the audio of my interview, and he takes care of everything else, from the editing to the text that appears on the website.
—Graham Allcott, Host, Beyond Busy
The raw recordings are often long, sometimes rambling and it requires care to craft them into the final product. We've felt supported and understood by Mark throughout the process and enjoy collaborating enormously.
—Lucy Clayton, Author and podcaster, Dress: Fancy

Pricing and payment

Weekly audio

Weekly audio-only episodes with titles, show notes, and uploading.

£540 per month

Weekly video

Weekly audio and video episodes with titles, show notes, and uploading.

£800 per month

Weekly video + socials

Weekly audio and video episodes with titles, show notes, uploading, and up to 3 social clips per episode.

£1,060 per month
I charge per month to keep everything simple, and to account for months in the year when you have 5 episodes, instead of 4. If a weekly cadence is a bit much, I offer packages based on fortnightly delivery of episodes.

Book a discovery call